Noob Slayer

Does the sound of 20 sided dice rolling across a table
make you shiver with anticipation? Does the thought of
bashing in the skull of your debts make you misty eyed?

If not, you might want to stop reading now.

You see folks, today we’re reaching out to all the RPG
gaming peeps.

If a bottle of Mountain Dew, caffeinated brownies, and
all-nighters with your favorite Role Playing Games
twixt your nethers” then you can count yourself as
one of em’.

You might be thinking, “But wait oh Wise One … what’s
my debt got to do with Role Playing Games?”

Well young slayer, this alchemist of reality has
created an RPG that will eliminate your debt!

Check it

When you’re on an epic quest, do you go trudging through
the forest picking your imaginary ass trying to figure
out what to do or where to go?

Shit No Son!

You have an objective to follow, and a destination in mind.
If you don’t, you get one fast-like else you don’t level
up or get shiny new gear.

You can treat your debts in the same way.

You caaannn randomly pay off your debts, but without an
objective it becomes aimless, you level up slower and get
less shiny gear (a.k.a keeping your hard earned monies
and upgrading your flip phone!)

Chew on this.

Chance’s are your creditors are some random company or
bank (BORING). They’re faceless and completely mundane.
It’s no wonder you don’t get a chubby when you pay those

But what if you turned your Creditors into monsters? Hit
points would correlate with the debt you owe and every time
you pay your debt you would literally take another swing at
the monster you created.

All of a sudden the landscape of your debt looks way more
awesome and well, something you want to rule!

So Imagine

for a second that you’re thrusting your long, hard steel into
the skull of your newly envisioned debts.

Imagine sitting on the throne of this landscape you decimated.

Take a mental image of having fun figuring out the best
strategies to conqueror your debts without having to create
your own RPG system from scratch!

This could be you!

The best part about it

(drum roll please)


If you want to know how to reduce your debt to rubble by turning
it into an RPG then check out the rest of this site.
I post weekly and am here to help you run your own Debt
Slaying Campaign.

Own your debt it like it’s a Copper Coin Wench!

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  1. Leonard Marks

    great post

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